Foråret har bragt bedre muligheder for offentlig opladning af elbiler i Aalborg, til glæde for både gæster og os der bor i lejlighed eller af andre årsager ikke har egen ladeboks. Situationen er blevet bedre både når det gælder hurtigladning og destinationsladning. Dette indlæg handler om det første.
Visual Studio Sounds
Motorvejsladning [Danish]
Offentlige ladepunkter for elbiler — de orange punkter er hurtigladere. Skærmbillede fra PlugShare.
En elbil oplades typisk i et roligt tempo mens den er parkeret hjemme, på arbejde eller ved en offentlig destinationslader. Men når man skal køre langt benytter man ladere med høj effekt, så man kan komme hurtigt videre. Dette indlæg handler om hurtigladere i Danmark, med fokus på motorvejen mellem Aalborg og København. På de 416 km mellem de to byer er der 64 CCS-stik langs motorvejen til hurtigladning, og nogle flere i byerne omkring motorvejen. Dette er et rigtig godt udgangspunkt når man kører turen, men for at optimere rejsens tid eller pris kan man med fordel benytte nogle ladere frem for andre.
3000 km for under €100
Getting an electric vehicle while living in an apartment was a bit of an experiment. Public charging is still a bit rough around the edges, but it turned out manageable, and in fact quite cheap, with the help from some free charging. Here’s my experience with EV charging in the past six months.
Hyundai IONIQ Electric
In late 2020 we decided to get a car. After relying on the extensive Danish public transport system for many years, it was time for a “socially distanced” means of transportation. My friend Jon had just got a Hyundai Kona Electric — a mini-crossover with good range. This sparked my interest in electric cars, and after a month of research and testing, we ordered its sibling, the 2020 IONIQ Electric. It’s a frugal yet fun car with good value but some drawbacks.
RIP Mercurial (on Bitbucket)
Bitbucket is going to drop support for the Mercurial version control system, due to most people using Git instead. I use both Mercurial (hg) and Git, and while Git has become the de facto standard today, Mercurial was my first love in the world of version control systems, and I’m sad to see it go.
Of course, Mercurial is not dead, but being removed from Bitbucket is a big deal (at least to me). But this news also gave me an occasion to reconsider Git vs. Mercurial, and writing this post has actually given me a newfound, if not appreciation, then at least understanding of Git.
Google Assistant Currently Unavailable for This Language
One day I said “Hey Google” and my Pixel didn’t respond. After a few more unsuccessful tries I went into the settings and saw that Voice Match — the feature that lets you activate Google Assistant by voice — “is currently unavailable for this language”. I found this strange since the language was set to English, and it used to work. Now, neither US nor UK English, nor Danish, could make it work.
I googled the problem and found lots of tips, but none of them worked. Later I found a solution, that I’ll post here in the hopes of helping someone else.
How to Pin RemoteApps to the Taskbar
In Microsoft Windows you can “pin” apps to the taskbar so you can launch them with a single click. You can right click and pin an app when it is running in the taskbar, or anytime through the start menu. But some apps, such as RemoteApps and Desktop Connections, cannot be pinned.
Spar penge med Rejsekortets mængderabat [Danish]
Jeg prøver noget nyt og skriver på dansk. Jeg startede med at skrive denne artikel på engelsk, men nu hvor jeg har skiftet til dansk føler jeg ikke vores allesammens Rejsekort behøver nogen introduktion. Det er normalt for tech-bloggere at komme ind på it-sikkerhed eller brugervenlighed når det gælder Rejsekortet, men i dag vil jeg snakke om noget lidt andet, nemlig hvordan man undgår at snyde sig selv i Rejsekortets indviklede rabatsystem. Vest for Storebælt kan man nemlig i flere tilfælde spare penge ved at rejse mere hver måned.
Android 9 Impressions
Last year I got the Google Pixel 2 smartphone to try the pure Android experience. It took a bit of time to get used to but I have come to appreciate its simplicity and cleanness. But the main purpose was getting OS updates directly from Google, without waiting for the OEMs. Besides monthly security updates, the new Android 9 came in August. Here are my impressions after two months, including Gesture Navigation, the Overview, Adaptive Battery, and Digital Wellbeing, as well as my thoughts on the Pixel 2 after a year.